Hearing Blog

Why should you get your hearing aids professionally cleaned?

June 18, 2018

I treat my hearing aids a lot like my car, maybe better actually. Both are routinely treated to cleaning rituals and maintenance tune-ups. And while my car may only get cleaned once a month, I make sure I dry and clean my hearing aids daily, regardless of how long I wear them each day. But while my day-to-day hearing aid care routine is great, I still make sure that I take my hearing aids into ...

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Wearing Hearing Aids is "no big deal"

June 1, 2018

Starkey hearing aid wearers frequently share their stories. Below is an interview with Starkey wearer Lauren that was originally published on the Starkey Hearing Technologies blog in 2017. Tell me a little bit about yourself? My name is Lauren. I live in New York City, and I'm a radio buyer. Walk me through when and how you first noticed your hearing loss? I personally didn't. My parents did, so I don't know ...

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All Ears: Aren’t all hearing aids the same?

May 15, 2018

This is actually a multi-faceted question! At its most basic, the answer could be “yes,” because — from a manufacturing standpoint — hearing aids all require the same parts: a microphone, an amplifier, a receiver (or speaker) and a battery source. And, from a functional standpoint, all hearing aids should amplify sounds, just as all cars should get you from Point A to Point B. However, if we take a closer look at the hearing aid technology ...

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Age-related hearing loss is expected to increase

May 1, 2018

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the older we get, the more likely it is we’ll lose our hearing. It’s just one by-product of living a long, fulfilling life (along with fading eyesight, weakened muscles, wisdom, experience…). That doesn’t lessen the shock of this statistic by the World Health Organization. Five times more likely when you’re over 65 than when you’re under? Wow! Equally interesting is the projected population of ...

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Beating the dinner din — five dining out tips for people with hearing loss

April 13, 2018

Does it seem that, over the years, restaurants have been getting louder and louder? It’s not your imagination! According to industry insiders, restaurants sometimes deliberately create louder environments for a variety of reasons. These reasons can vary from wanting to create a “fun” atmosphere to making it so customers don’t want to linger – thereby increasing table turnover and revenues. Having conversation in a noisy restaurant can be difficult, even for individuals with normal ...

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18 Everyday Sounds That Can Hurt Your Hearing

April 2, 2018

Hearing loss is the third most common chronic health condition in America — and exposure to loud noise is a leading cause. So what is considered “loud”? Exposure to any sound 85dB and above can cause hearing damage, though duration is also a factor. Here are 18 common sounds that typically top 85dB. Think exposure to loud noise has affected your hearing? Contact us today to schedule a hearing test and find out! This blog was ...

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Tech Tip: Using "Find My Hearing Aids"

March 2, 2018

You know that scary and stressful feeling you get when you misplace your keys or wallet? As some of you may know, that feeling gets worse when the items missing are your hearing aids. Hearing aids are an investment, and it is terrifying to lose something that's often a big part of your day-to-day life. With Halo iQ, Halo 2 and Halo hearing aids, the “Find My Hearing Aids” function within the TruLink mobile ...

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Hearing aid memories: What they are and when to use them

March 1, 2018

Open up a hearing aid brochure or visit a hearing aid manufacturer’s website, and you’ll likely come across the term “memories.” Memories refers to different environmental programs that can be accessed by the hearing aid user. These memories manipulate the hearing aid’s gain, frequency response, and microphone mode (directionality) in order to provide optimal sound quality in specific listening situations. For example, an “auditorium” memory will typically increase the overall gain in ...

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High Fever is one Potential Cause of Hearing Loss

February 1, 2018

Our hearing is a complex system of delicate and interconnected parts. And while it can withstand much, some things are known to damage the tiny hairs (stereocilia) and nerve cells in your inner ear — which can cause or result in hearing loss. These things include loud noises, natural aging, certain medications and, in some cases, illnesses that are accompanied with high fever, like meningitis, encephalitis, mumps, and jaundice. If you’re experiencing or worried about ...

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Where to buy hearing aids - online or from a hearing professional?

February 1, 2018

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably thinking about getting hearing aids. You’re doing what almost everyone does today before they buy a vacuum or TV, or book a vacation or try a new restaurant — you’re doing online research. You are smart. Consumers today have an abundance of information and reviews at their fingertips. There’s little reason today not to research a product or service before you purchase, particularly if ...

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