Hearing Blog

How can I adjust my hearing aid volume and memories?

December 28, 2017

Your hearing aids are designed to seamlessly adjust to your everyday listening situations. This means that as you go from a busy coffee shop to a windy park to your quiet home, your hearing aids will automatically adapt to your changing environments. Soft sounds (like fingers typing on a keyboard) should be quiet but audible, while loud sounds (like a vacuum) should be loud but not uncomfortable. We sometimes hear that users would like more ...

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What is ear infection hearing loss?

December 28, 2017

Hearing loss can be caused by a number of different factors including aging, injury, noise exposure, infection and heredity. Those factors affect the auditory nerve, causing a sensorineural hearing loss, the most common type of hearing loss. But did you know an ear infection can also cause hearing loss? Hearing loss caused by an ear infection is referred to as a conductive hearing loss. Infection in the middle ear can cause fluid to build up ...

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Holiday Travel Tips for People who wear Hearing Aids

December 1, 2017

The holidays are typically one of the busiest travel seasons as millions of people hop in planes, trains and automobiles to visit family and friends. It can also be one of the more stressful times of the year. According to Prevention magazine, 90 percent of Americans report stressing over at least one aspect of the holidays — with traveling high on the list. People who wear hearing aids can help alleviate some of the stress by ...

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14 Great Reasons to Wear Hearing Aids

November 2, 2017

1. You can hear again: Hearing aids are the most common treatment for hearing loss. 2. Your spouse will be relieved: They’ll be grateful they won’t need to be your interpreter anymore. 3. Your grandkids will stop looking at you quizzically: OK, no guarantees on that. But at least they’ll stop wondering why you say “what?” all the time, never answer their questions, or answer off topic. 4. You can enjoy music ...

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What are the most frequent causes of hearing loss?

October 3, 2017

October is National Protect Your Hearing Month. That seems like a good time to remind everyone that exposure to loud noise is the leading cause of hearing loss. It’s also one of the few causes that people can actually do something about. Today, more than ever, we have access to the knowledge and resources needed to protect our hearing. We know what decibel levels can cause damage We know how long we can be ...

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Everything you Need to Know About Hearing Aid Batteries

September 6, 2017

Batteries are one of the most important things when it comes to hearing aids. Hearing aids need a steady source of power from a quality hearing aid battery in order to run effectively and properly. A low battery or defective battery can significantly impair the performance of a hearing aid. Here are five things you should know about hearing aid batteries: How Long Batteries Last: Standard hearing aid batteries last anywhere from 3 to 22 ...

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The Five Stages of Hearing Loss

July 27, 2017

Helping you hear better is our goal, and because that is our focus every single day you can be sure we’re familiar with the process people go through as hearing becomes a challenge. You can also be sure that we’re here to help no matter what stage you’re in. From a quick hearing test that can show you what level of hearing loss you might have to testing out our new hearing ...

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Who says you can't enjoy music because you have hearing loss?

June 28, 2017

Now, for the first time ever, a hearing aid manufacturer has created a special circuit designed solely for the enjoyment of music. Starkey Hearing Technologies is proud to introduce this latest generation of technology — our Muse line of hearing instruments. Six years in development, Muse offers many new and exciting features for hearing impaired people. But its ability to recognize, process and duplicate music is what everyone is talking about. Muse hearing aids let you ...

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How to Properly Clean and Care for Your Hearing Aids

May 31, 2017

Just like cars, hearing aids require a certain degree of routine maintenance to keep them functioning at optimal capacity. And while some maintenance items should be used only by the manufacturer or by us, there are many other preventative measures that you can complete regularly to ensure that your hearing aid is at full-functioning capacity! Below we examine three main causes or hearing aid problems and offer cleaning and care tips to help! Battling Ear ...

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8 Things Untreated Hearing Loss Can Impact

May 1, 2017

Hearing loss is as unique to each person as a fingerprint. No one person has the same type of loss in each ear, nor do people get hearing loss the same way. But, what everyone with hearing has in common are the 8 possible things that hearing loss can indirectly or directly affect. Vocabulary With untreated hearing loss, various sounds and letters lose frequencies. Each letter and verbal sound corresponds to a unique frequency range ...

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