Hearing Blog

Beat the Heat of Summer with Hydrashield 2

August 1, 2015

The rough, waxy texture on the surface of the lotus leaf prevents water from penetrating the exterior of the leaf. Interestingly, the surface of the lotus leaf is not solid. Instead, a hydrophobic coating on the leaf creates a web-like barrier that allows moisture to rest on top rather than penetrating the leaf. The advanced HydraShield®2 system used in Starkey hearing aids mechanically mimics the lotus effect. The nano-coating keeps moisture and debris (like ...

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A New Way to Relax for Tinnitus Sufferers

July 1, 2015

Tinnitus can be annoying, frustrating and even nerving at times. While there is no cure currently, a brand new mobile app from Starkey Hearing Technologies offers the ability to create personalized tinnitus management sounds. This mobile app, called Relax, works with both iOs and Android™ devices to give users twelve unique relief sounds along with education and tips for self-management of tinnitus. The app can be used in conjunction with existing colutions one may be ...

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Hearing Hacks

June 2, 2015

According to Wikipedia.org, “life hacking” refers to any trick, shortcut, skill or novelty method that increases productivity or efficiency, in any walk of life. Or simply anything that solves an everyday problem in an inspired, ingenious manner. In a world full of important (and often unimportant) sounds, anyone with normal or impaired hearing can stand to benefit from hearing life hacks. Do you think you have hearing loss? Do you struggle to hear in ...

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Healthy Hearing Tips - Preventing Hearing Loss

May 1, 2015

May is Better Hearing Month, and this year, we are all about hearing protection. Losing your hearing isn’t the same as breaking a bone, which often can be broken and repaired multiple times. Hearing loss can’t be repaired. It’s permanent. Once you have lost even a fraction of your hearing, there is no going back. In order to preserve your hearing, it is important to take preventative steps early on and to ...

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April Showers

April 1, 2015

Did you know that hearing aids are mini wearable computers? It’s true! When you think about the devices that way, there are a few things you should think about when caring for them this spring. As with any computer, water exposure can damage the hearing aid’s battery – one of the most important parts to any hearing aid. This doesn’t mean you have to be restricted by Mother Nature, it’s just important ...

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Helping a Loved One with Hearing Loss

February 1, 2015

Many people communicate their love for one another through words whether it is a compliment, song, or simply saying, “I love you.” February is also a great time to express love and support for someone by helping them deal with their hearing loss. It can often be a tough subject to address with a loved one, but your support can go a long way in helping on the journey toward better hearing. Here are simple ...

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"I have Hearing Aids - Now What?"

January 1, 2015

Congratulations, you have officially taken that next step to improve the way you hear by purchasing hearing aids! Prior to wearing hearing aids, you may not have heard the beautiful sounds surrounding you, but now you are clearly hearing them. In your journey to better hearing, are you still thinking, “Now what?” Here are some tips to keep moving forward: Train Your Brain: Due to the minimal number of signals your brain previously had to ...

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Give the Gift of Hearing

December 1, 2014

It is the most wonderful time of the year! If you aren’t sure of the perfect gift to give your loved one, consider giving them something extra special. If they are experiencing hearing loss, help them schedule an appointment that you both are able to attend. Be by their side as they discover how to improve their hearing. New situations can be scary when going about them alone, so ensuring your loved one that ...

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Now Serving Better Hearing

November 1, 2014

There are few things better than hearing the words “Dinner is served!” on Thanksgiving Day. This announcement is one you do not want to miss because you are experiencing hearing loss. For those people struggling with hearing loss, the thought of being surrounded by so many individuals can be very overwhelming especially when they are trying to hear conversations. With so many wonderful memories and experiences taking place on this day, wouldn’t it be ...

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Changing today brings a dramatically different tomorrow

October 1, 2014

Our lives are filled with change. Sometimes change can be viewed in a positive way; whether you receive a promotion at work, gain another family member or change your attitude by thinking more positively. However, adapting can be very hard to do, especially when you do not foresee it coming. The key is to take one step at a time and find it is not as hard as you thought. Start by evaluating yourself. What ...

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